Common Questions

Motor Vehicle Accidents

After an accident, you need someone who isn’t afraid to fight for your rights.

Colby is committed to making sure your story is heard.

When choosing a personal injury law firm, results matter.

Colby and his team are experienced in dealing with a wide variety of accident types. No matter what you’ve gone through, we can help you out. Below you’ll find a short summary of just some areas we’ve specialized in in the past. Don’t see your accident on the list? Check out our comprehensive list of practice areas.

What qualifies as a “motor vehicle accident”?

Most people think that motor vehicle accidents are car accidents, but in fact, any of the below could qualify as a motor vehicle accident:

  • Bicycle accidents
  • Golf cart accidents
  • ATV accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Car accidents
  • Truck accidents
  • Train accidents
  • Public transportation accidents
  • Boating accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents

Do I need to call the police after getting into a car accident?

Yes. Request a police officer to the site of your accident and make sure to get a case number. Having a police report on file is critical because insurance companies pay careful attention to official crash reports—a police report can even dramatically change the outcome of your case. In order to effectively represent you, it is important that your attorney review the police-issued crash report in order to determine an accurate recitation of the underlying facts of your case.

Should I go to the doctor after a car crash?

Yes. If possible, please go to an Emergency Room. It is imperative to see a doctor as soon as possible following a car accident, even if you feel fine—unbeknownst to you, you could have a serious or life-threatening injury. Additionally, it is important to have an accurate record of your injuries for the insurance companies to evaluate. To make sure that you receive the financial compensation that you deserve, it is crucial to have official records of any injuries you sustained, no matter how minor or major.

Is it okay to talk to the other driver after the accident?

Yes, but keep your interaction to a minimum. Take the other driver’s pertinent information (name, address, phone number, insurance information), and offer the same. It is in your best interest to avoid discussing your car accident with the other driver—anything you say to them could potentially be used against you. Even apologizing, something natural to do, could be used by the other driver’s insurance company to deny your car accident claim.

Should I tell my insurance company that I have been in a wreck?

Yes, but only inform your insurance company that you have been in a car accident where the other driver is at fault. It is important to not say too much to your insurance company because depending on the context of your crash, your own insurance company may be the one who must provide you compensation for your accident. Always be cautious when dealing with when any insurance company after a car wreck, even your own. Insurance companies are only concerned with lining their own pockets—they will search for any reason to avoid compensating you for your car accident.

If the other driver’s insurance company contacts me, what should I say?

Nothing. Do not speak to the other driver’s insurance company; no matter how straightforward the questions are, and no matter how kind the caller is. Always direct them to the office of your attorney, and we will handle speaking to insurance companies on your behalf. We are well-versed on how to counter the unscrupulous tactics that these companies employ to deny accident claims for an injured person.

Is it wise to accept an initial settlement offer?

Taking a settlement offer immediately following a wreck may seem tempting, but these settlement offers are typically made by insurance companies and more often than not, these offers do not cover all your accident-related expenses. Insurance companies make lowball settlement offers knowing that people who have suffered a car accident often need money right away. Once you have accepted their settlement offer, you cannot receive further compensation from the company. We will carefully review any settlement offers you receive and advise you towards the best outcome.

Which expenses can I be compensated for after my accident?

Ideally, all of your car wreck-related expenses should be covered—this includes all your medical expenses directly following the accident and future medical expenses resulting from your injuries. You may be compensated for any or all of the following:

  • Emergency medical care
  • Surgical procedures
  • Follow-up medical care
  • Lost income during your recovery
  • Lost future income if you cannot return to work
  • In-home medical care if necessary
  • Modifications to your home if you have a permanent disability
  • Pain and suffering in certain circumstances